I am a Lutheran Woman.
My mother is a Lutheran Woman. My grandmother was a Lutheran Woman and her mother before her... you get the idea right? My heritage is approximately 75% German, the remaining 25% is split between Irish, English and whatever other nationalities were settling in the Appalachian Mountains where my grandfather's family hailed from.
So yeah, I'm *really* Lutheran.
I'm also currently unemployed at a time when 1 out of every 10 people in our country is also unemployed... So I *really* need a hobby. And I found my inspiration today while searching for a recipe that I loved in my childhood; my aunt's "Old Fashioned Cream Pie" which is an eggless custard pie flavored with nutmeg. I found 2 different versions of said pie in my mother's cherished "Salem's Favorite Recipes"."Salem" is for Salem Lutheran Church in West Alexandria, Ohio, which is the church I was baptized in, and my mother was baptized in, and *her* mother was baptized in... (that's the last time I do that... I pinkie swear).
I got the inspiration to do a Julie/Julia type experiment where I cook my way through all the different Lutheran Cookbooks that my mother and I own. I'll try them out, see if they need updating, simplifying or trashing.
I'll be sure to include the recipe in it's original version, as well as any modifications, tips or pictures that I think help.
Challenges? I have a 5 month old son, a very small kitchen and a husband who doesn't care for cabbage... (S.F.R. has 3 whole pages of "Cabbage Casserole" recipes alone!)
So join me, if you like, on my journey. Feel free to try whatever recipes I share, and please feel free to share your opinions on how they work out for you.
And Guten Appetit! (yes, I had to look up the German version of "Bon Appetite")
If you need anyone to try a cabbage casserole, I hereby volunteer (unless it has onions, or mushrooms, not that I'm picky ;-)